Jak modifikovat Open/Save Dialog

Otázka od: Ing. Petr Sikola

11. 10. 2004 15:39

Zdravim, ve sve aplikaci pouzivam JvOpenDialog2000 a JvSaveDialog2000.
Potreboval bych na tento dialog "pridat" jeden label a jeden combobox s
vlastnima items a jeho stav nastavit pred otevrenim a opet precist po
uzavreni dialogu (po execute). Udalost pri zmene itemindex pri
zobrazenem dialogu nepotrebuji.

Potreboval bych to nejjsednoduseji.
Dekuji na nakopnuti spravnym smerem.

S pozdravem

Ing. Petr Sikola
EFG CZ spol. s r.o.
tel.: 481 319 324

Odpovedá: Pavel Lang

11. 10. 2004 16:48

Zdravim, radeji bych vytvoril ten dialog novy nez rozsirovat stavajici...
Nenapada me nic jineho nez tam dat hook - viz struktura.
Problem je, ze o tento dialog se stara samotny pan Windows funkce
GetOpenFileNameA z comdlg32.dll, takze neco jako modifikovat resource asi
nema moc smysl (kuriozity v anglickych Win)
Jestli nekdo napise takovy kod, budu sam taky rad, takove patlani se v API
je na me moc  
Ale pozor! Na starsich verzich Windows se ukazuje puvodni stary dialog!!!
Ten 2000 style se nijak nekompiluje.

Resource lze z comdlg32.dll dostat napriklad Resource Hackerem (staci do
googlu reshack) nebo i tooly v Delphi (ResourceExplorer)

Unit JvWinDialogs;
  TOpenFileNameEx = packed record
    lStructSize: DWORD; // Size of the structure in bytes.
    hWndOwner: HWND; // Handle that is the parent of the
    hInstance: HINST; // Application instance handle.
    lpstrFilter: PAnsiChar; // String containing filter information.
    lpstrCustomFilter: PAnsiChar; // Will hold the filter chosen by the
    nMaxCustFilter: DWORD; // Size of lpstrCustomFilter, in bytes.
    nFilterIndex: DWORD; // Index of the filter to be shown.
    lpstrFile: PAnsiChar; // File name to start with (and
    nMaxFile: DWORD; // Size of lpstrFile, in bytes.
    lpstrFileTitle: PAnsiChar; // File name without path will be
    nMaxFileTitle: DWORD; // Size of lpstrFileTitle, in bytes.
    lpstrInitialDir: PAnsiChar; // Starting directory.
    lpstrTitle: PAnsiChar; // Title of the open dialog.
    Flags: DWORD; // Controls user selection Options.
    nFileOffset: Word; // Offset of file name in
    nFileExtension: Word; // Offset of extension in
    lpstrDefExt: PAnsiChar; // Default extension if no extension
    lCustData: LPARAM; // Custom data to be passed to hook.
    lpfnHook: function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM;
      lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall; // Hook.
    lpTemplateName: PAnsiChar; // Template dialog, if applicable.
    // Extended structure starts here.
    pvReserved: Pointer; // Reserved, use nil.
    dwReserved: DWORD; // Reserved, use 0.
    FlagsEx: DWORD; // Extended Flags.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ing. Petr Sikola" <developer@efg.cz>
To: <delphi-l@clexpert.cz>
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 4:36 PM
Subject: Jak modifikovat Open/Save Dialog

> Zdravim, ve sve aplikaci pouzivam JvOpenDialog2000 a JvSaveDialog2000.
> Potreboval bych na tento dialog "pridat" jeden label a jeden combobox s
> vlastnima items a jeho stav nastavit pred otevrenim a opet precist po
> uzavreni dialogu (po execute). Udalost pri zmene itemindex pri
> zobrazenem dialogu nepotrebuji.
> Potreboval bych to nejjsednoduseji.
> Dekuji na nakopnuti spravnym smerem.
> S pozdravem
> Ing. Petr Sikola
> EFG CZ spol. s r.o.
> tel.: 481 319 324
> sikola@efg.cz
> www.efg.cz
> www.aktion.cz

Odpovedá: L?ikola Petr

11. 10. 2004 18:30

no ja jsem myslel, kdyby to slo i nejak jinak, melo by to ve vysledku vypadat
nejak jako opendialog v notepadu v W2000 nebo ve WXP, akorat s jinyma polozkama
v tom druhem combu.
Jeste dodam ze je to v D5.

Petr Sikola

> Zdravim, radeji bych vytvoril ten dialog novy nez rozsirovat stavajici....
> Nenapada me nic jineho nez tam dat hook - viz struktura.

> {---->}
> lCustData: LPARAM; // Custom data to be passed to hook.
> lpfnHook: function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM;
> lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall; // Hook.
> {<----}

Odpovedá: Ludek ZITA

11. 10. 2004 18:43

On Behalf Of L?ikola Petr

> no ja jsem myslel, kdyby to slo i nejak jinak, melo by to ve
> vysledku vypadat nejak jako opendialog v notepadu v W2000
> nebo ve WXP, akorat s jinyma polozkama v tom druhem combu.
> Jeste dodam ze je to v D5.

Ja to delal v OnShow :

procedure TForm1.OpenDialog1Show(Sender: TObject);
  Wnd: HWND;
  Pozice: TRect;
   Wnd := GetWindowLong((Sender as TCommonDialog).Handle,
  GetWindowRect(Wnd, Pozice);
  SetWindowPos(Wnd, 0, 0, 0, Pozice.Right - Pozice.Left, Pozice.Bottom -
    Pozice.Top + 30, SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOMOVE);

  if FPanel = nil then
    FPanel := TPanel.Create((Sender as TCommonDialog));
  with FPanel do
    Name := 'DialogPanel';
    Caption := '';
    SetBounds(8, Pozice.Bottom - Pozice.Top - 26, Pozice.Right -
Pozice.Left -
      24, 30);

    BevelOuter := bvLowered;
    //Color := 200;
    ParentWindow := Wnd;

  if FLabel1 = nil then
    FLabel1 := TLabel.Create(OpenDialog1);
  with FLabel1 do
    Parent := FPanel;
    Left := (FPanel.Width - 385) div 2;
    Top := 8;
    Caption := 'Kod:';

  if FLanguage = nil then
    FLanguage := TComboBox.Create(OpenDialog1);
  with FLanguage do
    Name := 'Language';
    Parent := FPanel;
    Width := 135;
    Left := FLabel1.Left + FLabel1.Width + 2;
    Top := 4;
    Style := csDropDownList;
    OnChange := BoxChange;
    Items.Add('bez konverze (Off)');
    Items.Add('Windows CP1250 (Win)');
    Items.Add('Latin 2 CP 852 (Lat)');
    Items.Add('Kamenicky CP867 (Kam)');
    Items.Add('ISO 8859-2 (ISO)');
    if (DialogMode = 2) then
      Items.Add('ASCII (Asc)')
    if (DialogMode = 1) then
    ItemIndex := TMPLang;

  if FLabel2 = nil then
    FLabel2 := TLabel.Create(OpenDialog1);
  with FLabel2 do
    Parent := FPanel;
    Left := FLanguage.Left + FLanguage.Width + 6;
    Top := 8;
    Caption := 'CR/LF:';

  if FCRLF = nil then
    FCRLF := TComboBox.Create(OpenDialog1);
  with FCRLF do
    Parent := FPanel;
    Name := 'CRLF';
    Width := 92;
    Left := FLabel2.Left + FLabel2.Width + 2;
    Top := 4;
    OnChange := BoxChange;
    Style := csDropDownList;
    Items.Add('bez konverze (Off)');
    Items.Add('CRLF (Dos)');
    Items.Add('LF (Unix)');
    if (DialogMode = 1) then
    ItemIndex := TMPCRLF;

    if FOEMbox = nil then
      FOEMbox := TCheckBox.Create(OpenDialog1);
    with FOEMbox do
      Parent := FPanel;
      Name := 'OEM';
      Left := FCRLF.Left + FCRLF.Width + 6;
      Top := 7;
      Caption := 'Zobrazit OEM';
      Checked := False;
      Alignment := taLeftJustify;
      Width := 85;
      if (DialogMode = 2) then
        Enabled := False
        Enabled := True;




Odpovedá: L?ikola Petr

11. 10. 2004 21:09

Diky, to je presne ono!
Petr Sikola

> Ahoj.
> Ja to delal v OnShow :
> procedure TForm1.OpenDialog1Show(Sender: TObject);
> var
> Wnd: HWND;
> Pozice: TRect;
> Ludek